The benefits of fostering with Northamptonshire Children's Trust
As a not-for-profit fostering agency, our focus is on ensuring that you have everything that you need to care for children and young people.
Aspects include access to well-established and supportive local carer support groups, such as membership in the Northamptonshire Foster Carer Association (NFCA).
Why take the journey with
Northamptonshire Children's Trust?
Growing need for foster carers
With over a thousand children and young people needing the stability of foster carers, the need has never been greater in the Northamptonshire region. We need more new foster carers to provide a loving and supportive family environment.
Can I foster?
Having a diverse foster care community is one of our many strengths. You can foster if you’re single, from the LGBTQ+ community, are disabled, have your own children, are employed or not, or whether you are a homeowner or renting.
Why choose us?
Fostering with Northamptonshire Children’s Trust (NCT) is an incredibly rewarding experience. We are committed to providing the best possible outcomes for all children and young people in need of foster care.
Fostering training
NCT offers specialist support, up-skilling and empowerment to become 'Therapeutic Champions' confident in supporting healthy relationships, effective self-regulation skills and resilience.
Can become a
Foster Carer
What our carers say
Apply today
change someones
life tomorrow
Become a foster carer
1,000+ Children in care
We urgently need more foster carers in Northamptonshire to create a safe, consistent and welcoming environment for children and young people in need.
Building brighter futures
Helping you to become a positive role model for the children and young people in your care supporting you to develop them.
Fostering is much more than job
Fostering is much more than a job. It is one of the most rewarding and satisfying things you could ever do to enrich the life of a child in need.
With you every step of the way
You’ll experience high levels of support, excellent training and consistent support and be part of a welcoming foster care community.